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the horsehide went sailing far over the right fielder's head.

"Say, that's a beaut!"

"Come on in, Tom!"

"Make it a two-bagger, Spud!"

"You can get to third if you try!" yelled Dick, and Spud did try and landed in a cloud of dust on third base just a second before the ball got there.

"Now then, Wilson, bring Spud in," said Dick, to the next fellow at the bat.

"Make it a homer and bring yourself in too, Wilson," added Tom.

"By chimminy! Make him two home runs while you are at it alretty!" cried Max Spangler, with a broad smile. Since arriving at Brill the German American lad had become quite a baseball "fan."

"Hi, there, you fellows!" came unexpectedly from the center fielder.

"What's the matter?" yelled back Frank Holden, stepping out of the pitcher's box and turning around.

"Something is wrong on the river."

"Wrong on the river?" queried several, in a chorus.

"Yes. Don't you hear the screaming?"