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I am going to Peak's Island and then to Portland, and I may see Tad Sobber, and if I do, I'll tell him what you've said."

"Do it!" cried Koswell promptly. "And tell him I am willing to help him all I can against the Rovers."

"And tell him that Bart Larkspur will help him, too," supplemented that individual.

"All right," answered the stranger. "Of course you know it might be a—er—a little risky, getting the best of those Rovers."

"Oh, we'll take a little risk," answered Koswell. "But, say!" he almost shouted. "I begin to smell a mouse!"


"It was the Rovers who were here—looking for that lady who was abducted!"


"Did you and Sobber bring her here? Is she here now?" went on Koswell, quiskly.

"If—er—if Sobber was here, would you like to meet him?"

"Sure I would. And the lady who was abducted——"

"I can't tell you anything about her. But—well, I might as well admit it—Tad Sobber is on this island with me. He—er—he came on rather a peculiar errand and he didn't want anybody to