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long. Down he came with a tremendous splash, and then the waters of the pool closed over him.

"You cowards!" shouted Tom, in a rage. "I shouldn't treat a dog that way!"

"You shut your mouth!" yelled back Tad Sob ber. "It serves you right—for following us."

"Some day you'll be in jail, Tad Sobber!" shouted Sam. "It's where you belong."

All waited for Dick to come up, but second after second passed and the eldest Rover boy failed to appear.

"Something is wrong!" gasped Tom, in alarm.

"Maybe his head struck on the bottom," cried Sam. "If he is dead, you'll pay the penalty!" he cried, to those on the shore of the rocky pool.

All were worried, for those above had not expected anything of this sort to happen. They looked down, but could see nothing of Dick.

"I'm going to hunt for him!" cried Tom, and leaving the rocks upon which he was standing, he swam with all haste in the direction of the spot where his big brother had gone down. Seeing this, Sam followed his example.

"Perhaps we had better be getting out of here!" muttered Jim Pally, turning pale.

"No! no! let us see if they bring Dick Rover up!" answered Tad Sobber, hoarsely.