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"After old Crabtree had forced you to marry; him, I suppose," whispered Dick.

"Yes, Dick. But, oh! I didn't want to do it! He tried to hypnotize me, just as he tried to do years ago—but I fought him off as best I could!", answered Mrs. Stanhope, earnestly.

"He ought to be in prison again!" muttered Dick.

"If the fortune is on the island, let us go and get it," cried Sam. "We can't catch that motor boat anyway!" For the craft was now all but out of sight.

The steam tug was headed for Chesoque Island, and slowly made her way to the old dock. There the engineer and his assistant set to work to make the necessary repairs, while the three Rover boys and Mrs. Stanhope visited the cave. Once in the underground opening, the lady pointed out the spot where the valise containing the fortune had been secreted between the rocks.

"Here it is!" cried Tom, and dragged the valise to light.

"Open it and see if the fortune is safe!" came from Sam, in a voice he tried in vain to steady.

The key to the valise was missing, so the lock to the bag had to be broken open. Inside were the gold and precious stones.

"All here—or at least the greater portion of it,"