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"There is sand up at the boat dock!" cried Stanley. "They are going to use it for the new garage foundation."

"Maybe we can haul the steamer up there," suggested another student.

"We can try it," answered Allen Charter. "What do you say, Captain?"

"I'm willing—if you can budge her."

"She can't be stuck very fast," said Tom.

The college boys got into the two launches once more, and as speedily as possible ropes were fastened to the Thistle. Then the launches were started up and all power was turned on. At first the big vessel refused to budge.

"Don't seem to be making any headway," observed Frank Holden.

"Here we go!" cried Dick, and he was right. Slowly the Thistle moved off the mud shoal and commenced to turn. Then as slowly the vessel followed the two launches in the direction of the dock.

"We want sand!" yelled some of the boys on board. "Get the sand ready!"

The cries were understood, and by the time the Thistle was brought close to the dock, fully a score of boys stood ready with boxes and pails of sand to come on board. A gangplank was