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"Now they are here I thought they'd stay till we went home,"

"Tom Rover! what an ideal" shrieked Nellie. "Why, we've got to go back for our last examination, and to pack."

"Remember, we are to go East on the same train," warned Dick. "Let me know just when you can start and I'll arrange for the tickets."

"We are to leave Hope on Wednesday," said Grace.

"That will suit us," answered Tom. "We might leave Tuesday afternoon, but it won't hurt to stay here one night more."

"It will give us time to rest up from the last day's fun," added Dick.

"Do you expect any fun on the last day?" questioned Dora.

"Do we?" cried Tom. "Just you wait and see, that's all! We'll turn old Brill inside out and up side down!" he added, with emphasis.