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forgotten. Tom knew he had no right to inter rupt the would-be poet the way he did, but—well, Tom was Tom, and he couldn't help it.

The matter was talked over, and a party of nine was made up, including the Rovers and Songbird and Stanley. Soon the lads were on the way, having received permission from Doctor Wallington to be a little late for supper.

"We'll return home by the Carlip Road," said Dick.

"Right you are," added Tom. He knew this would please Songbird, for the route mentioned would take them past the Sanderson farm, and the would-be poet would have a chance to see Minnie, the farmer's daughter, with whom Songbird had of late been quite smitten.

The messages for the Lanings and Mrs. Stanhope were soon despatched, and the Rovers also sent word to their folks, saying when they might be expected home. Then the crowd divided, and Tom, Dick, Sam and Songbird took to the road leading past the Sanderson cottage.

"Remember how we pitched into Flockley and Koswell here?" remarked Sam, as the farm came into view.

"Indeed I do," answered Dick. He turned to Songbird. "You can ride ahead if you wish. We'll go on slowly."