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"Good for you!" cried Sam, with a grin. "This will certainly wake up the natives."

"See if you can get Dick to help us. But be careful—I want to surprise all the rest, even Stanley."

"I'll get him," answered Sam, and hurried off.

A little later, when it was quite dark, the three Rover boys shouldered the big box and carried it to the edge of the woods beside the campus. Then they opened the box and took out the fireworks.

"Guess we'll send up a few bombs first, just to wake everybody up," said Tom.

A minute later a large-sized bomb went whistling upward in the air. It flew high over the college building, to burst with a deafening report.

"Hello, what's that?" yelled several.

"Who fired that shot?"

"Did a cannon go off?"

"It was an aerial bomb—and there goes an other!" cried Allen Charter. "Somebody is celebrating in earnest"

All of the students on the campus stared at the bombs in wonder, while others came rushing from various buildings, to learn the meaning of the reports.

"Who shot off the cannon?" stormed Professor