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By the time the drum and bugle were brought the red lights were lit, and amid a general cheering the students got into line and the march around the college buildings began.

"Come on in, Dudd!" cried Dick, to Flockley, who stood looking on, and he passed over a red light which the student took rather unwillingly. "Everybody in this march!"

Around and around the buildings marched the students. William Philander Tubbs wanted to keep out of the procession, but he was caught by Sam and Tom and made to carry a flag consisting of an old red sweater tied to the handle of a broom. Other boys carried the college colors, and they added to the din with tin horns and wooden rattles.

"My! but this is disgraceful!" muttered Professor Sharp, in disgust.

"Disgraceful?" cried Doctor Wellington. "Not at all, sir. Let the young men enjoy themselves. They are doing no harm."

"I don't like so much noise," snapped Asa Sharp, and retired to the college building.

"I've got about a dozen packs of firecrackers," said Tom, a little later. "We mustn't forget to shoot them off."

"Pass 'em around, Tom!" cried Stanley, and the firecrackers were quickly distributed.