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the professor, for in his excitement Tom was pounding away harder than intended. Sam also came forward to put out the sparks, and so did Dick and some others.

"Here, give me that broom, Tubbs!" cried the eldest Rover, and catching the article, Dick whipped off the red sweater and then used the broom to sweep from Asa Sharp what was left of the fire.

In a few seconds more the danger was over. In the meanwhile a big crowd commenced to collect around the instructor and those who had set off the fireworks.

"This is an outrage!" fumed Professor Sharp. "An outrage! I'll have the law on you for it!" And he glared savagely at Tom and Sam.

"I don't see how you can blame us, sir," an swered Tom, stoutly. "We were just setting off the fireworks when you ran right into the midst of them."

"Nonsense! nonsense! You did it on purpose!"

"You certainly ran right into the things, just as we had lit them," said Sam. "I don't see how you can blame us for that."

"You'll see! I shall report to Doctor Wallington at once!" stormed Asa Sharp, and hurried off with his face drawn down in sour determination.

"Phew! I guess we are in hot water, Tom!" whispered Sam.