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hats found in the barn of Brill. They were hidden in the middle of the dude's things, and he locked up the trunk without discovering them.

"I hope he unpacks that trunk when the ladies are around," said Tom. "Then he can show 'em how he used to play farm hand, and wear three big straw hats at a time."

"It's too bad to part!" sighed Songbird. "Wish we were all going on another treasure hunt!" And then he commenced to warble softly:

"I love to sail the briny deep!
The briny deep for me!
I love to watch the sunlit waves
That brighten up the sea!
I love to listen to the wind
That fills the snowy sails!
I love to roam around the deck——"

"And eat the fishes' tails!"

interrupted Tom, And then he went on:

"I love to swim upon the sand,
And dance upon the brine,
And write my name in salty waves,
And hope for dinner time
To come, so I can eat my fill
Of sea-foam snaps and cream;
And stand upon the quarter-deck
A halfback of the team!"

"Humph! do you call that poetry?" snorted Songbird. "It sounds as much like it as a dog's bark sounds like a hymn!"