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"How much time, Tom?"

"Ten minutes yet—and this train will most likely be late."

Rather impatiently the Rover boys walked up and down the platform. Presently they saw one of the Hope carryalls coming and went to meet it.

"They aren't in that," cried Sam, disappointedly.

"Another carriage coming from Hope?" queried Tom, of the carryall driver.

"Two of 'em," was the reply.

The second carriage arrived a minute later. It contained six girls and among them was Grace.

"Dora and Nellie are in the last carriage," an nounced the younger Laning girl. "I came on ahead to get the trunks and bags checked."

"We'll do that," answered Sam promptly. "Got the railroad tickets?"

"Yes, here they are," and Grace handed the tickets over.

It took several minutes to check the baggage, for the agent was busy, and all of the Rovers gave a hand in shifting the heavy trunks out to a place close to the tracks. Then Dick looked at his watch.

"Time for the train now," he announced. "Wonder why that carriage doesn't get here?"