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shall we do? I can't go home alone! And I've got their tickets!"

"Perhaps the agent will hold the train a bit," suggested Dick.

"I hear the train now!" cried Sam, as a distant whistle sounded through the air. A moment later they saw the cars, making a broad curve around the distant hills.

Dick ran to the man who sold tickets and looked after the baggage.

"Say, we are waiting for some more passengers—some young ladies from Hope Seminary," he explained "Can't you hold the train till they come?"

"Not much!" was the sharp answer. "The train is late already, and orders are to make as short a stop as possible."

"They are coming!" yelled Tom. "I see them away down the road!"

"Oh, call to them to hurry!" burst out Grace.

"They can't hear me," answered Tom. "They are coming as fast as the team can go."

"Won't you hold the train just a couple of minutes?" pleaded Dick.

"No, sir!" And the agent spoke with a positive snap in his voice.

Dick looked across the tracks. The farm wagon had come up, and on the seat he recognized