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a railroad car! I've a good mind not to walk with you."

"All right, I'll change the tune," cried Tom, cheerfully, and commenced to whistle a funeral dirge, at which all of the girls shrieked with laughter.

It was a jolly crowd that sat down to the tables in the dining car, and the Rover boys saw to it that the girls were provided with whatever they desired on the bill of fare. They took their time over the meal, and the fun they had made even the waiters smile broadly.

"We'll get to Cartown in an hour," said Sam, after they had returned to the parlor car. "And then we'll have to say good-bye."

"Oh, it's too bad!" pouted Grace. "I wish you were going through to Cedarville with us."

"So do I."

"Well, the best of friends must part, as the oyster said to the shell," observed Tom, and at this joke the others smiled faintly. But now that they were to separate so soon all felt rather sober. Little did they dream of the exciting occurrence that was to bring them together again.