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"Oh, sure—and over to the Stanhopes' place, too."

Having sent their letters the boys waited anxiously for replies. On Saturday the answers came, and they read the communications with deep interest.

"Hurrah! Nellie and Grace are coming, with their mother!" cried Tom.

"And Dora is coming with them," said Dick.

"What about Mrs. Stanhope?" asked Sam.

"She said she might come, but she wasn't sure."

A letter had been written by Mrs. Rover to Mrs. Laning and there was a reply to this, both from Mrs. Laning and Mrs. Stanhope.

"We'll have a great celebration!" cried Tom.

"How about those fireworks?" asked Dick.

"I expect them to-day."

"Have you got enough?" asked Sam.

"As many as we had at Brill."

"That will be plenty."

"I ordered some powder, too, for use in the old cannon," went on Tom. "We'll wake up the natives this Fourth all right!"

"You look out that you don't blow yourself up," warned Dick, for he knew his fun-loving brother could get rather reckless at times.

"Oh, I'll be on guard," was Tom's answer.