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middle of der night in und find a pig mouskeeter mine toe on alretty!"

"Be thankful that it wasn't something worse, Hans," said Sam. "What would you do if you woke up and saw a big black bear standing beside your cot?"

"I dink I cofer mine head kvick, Sammy."

"But the bear might chew the cover up."

"Den I vos rund for mine life und holler like sixty!"

"Well, you want to keep your eyes open for bears," added Sam, thinking he scented fun ahead.

"How vos I going to keep mine eyes oben of I go to sleep, tell me dot?"

"You'll have to figure that out yourself, Hansy, old boy;" and here the talk had to come to an end.

By the middle of the afternoon they came in sight of Bass Lake, a beautiful sheet of water about two miles and a half long by nearly half a mile wide. Close to the south shore lay Pine Island, so called because it was covered in spots with tall pine trees. Between the main shore and Pine Island were two smaller islands, and there were low wooden bridges from one to the other, connecting the big island with the mainland.

The wagons had already gone over the bridges to the spot selected for the camp, and now the battalion marched across, from island to island,