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"Never mind, he's got to take the test anyway."

Now Tubbs was by no means a good swimmer, and the idea of being thrown into the water with his hands tied behind him and his head in a sack was frightful in the extreme.

"Le—let me go!" he whined. "Let me go, I say!"

"Forward with him!" was the heartless reply, and he was pushed on until he suddenly found tiimself in water up to his ankles.

"Stop! stop!" he cried, in a muffled voce. "Stop! I don't want to drown!"

"Will you obey your superiors?"

"Yes, yes—anything!"

"Will you join the Order of Black Skulls?"

"Anything, I told you, only don't let me drown!" cried the frightened Willam Philander.

"And will you promise to keep mum about what has happened here to-night?"

"Yes, yes!"

"Very well, you shall not be allowed to drown. But you must take the plunge."

"Oh, dear me! I can't——"

"Forward, and be lively about it. We wil fish you out with a crab net."

"But I—I can't swim with my hands tied behind me!" chattered poor Tubbs.