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"That must be it," put in Alice. "After this, I don't think I'll go near him when I have a red waist on."

"Perhaps the farmer will be more careful and keep him roped up."

When Tom and Sam came up with the hats and the basket Isaac Klem accompanied them.

"All right, Helen?" he asked. "And you too, Alice?"

"Yes, Mr. Klem," said the tall girl. "But it was a narrow escape. The bull would have gored us if it hadn't been for these young gentlemen."

The girls thanked Tom and Sam for what they had brought.

"Who be you young fellows?" asked Isaac Klem curiously.

"I am Dick Rover, and these are my brothers Tom and Sam. We belong to the cadets of Putnam Hall."

"The young sodgers up to Bass Lake?"


"I see. Well, it was gritty o' you to face my bull, and I give ye credit for it. My name's Isaac Klem, and thet's my farm over yonder. These gals is Helen and Alice Staton, and they live down the road a piece."

The boys tipped their caps and the girls smiled.