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to it that each of his team was in his proper posi tion and had a proper hold on the rope.

"All ready here," said Rockley, a few seconds fater.

"Drop!" cried the teacher, and down went the two teams like a flash, each pulling for all it knew how. But neither gained an inch at the fall, so the start-off was perfect.

"Now pull for all you're worth, Rovers!" cried one cadet.

"Haul 'em over, Rockleys!" cried another.

"Steady, boys!" whispered Tom. "Don't get nervous. There is lots of time."

He was almost flat on his back, with both feet braced firmly in the soil. Rockley was also down, and it looked as if it might be well-nigh impossible to budge either.

"This is a dandy tug of war," said Fred Garrison, "Neither has got an inch of advantage."

"The Rovers will beat!"

"The Rockleys will win!"

"I think it will be a tie," said another.

The strain was terrific and soon each member of the two teams was bathed in perspiration.

"Here is where you earn your rations!" cried one cadet, and this caused a general laugh.

"Watch your chances, Tom," whispered Dick,