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And wet the lake
With a hot snowflake,
In the middle of June—
If that isn't too soon—
And sail to the moon
In a big balloon——"

"Oh, Tom, let up!" roared Fred. "Talk about a sausage-making machine——"

"And when in the moon,
I'd drive a stake,
And tie my lake
Fast to a star,
Or a trolley car,
Then jump in a sack
And ride right back——"

"To where you belong,
And stop that song!"

finished Sam. Oh, but that's the worst yet. Shall we duck him, Fred?"

"No, don't pollute the water," answered Garrison.

"He ought to be ducked," came from Powell, in disgust. "Whenever I have a poetic streak——"

"It's catching, as the fly-paper said to the fly," finished Tom. "Let's call it square and take a new tack. Who's in for a swim when we reach the end of the lake?"

"I am!" was the united cry from the others.

They were passing several small islands and