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"They tried to drug me, but I threw the liquor over my shoulder when they weren't looking."

"Oh, I see," and Captain Putnam smiled. "They tried to trick you and you ended by trick ing them, is that it?"

"That's about the size of it, sir. They thought I was in a stupor when they left me, but as soon as they were gone I began to shift for myself. But I don't understand how you know about this, Captain Putnam."

"One of the party to this outrage has confessed, so I know all about it, Rover. The leader, I believe, was Lew Flapp, and his main supporters were Pender, Rockley, and Jackson."

To this Dick did not say a word.

"I know you would speak if I were accusing anybody wrongly, Rover. In one way I can appreciate your silence. But this affair was carried too far. It was not an ordinary hazing. The plot was one to blast your honest name and bring you into disgrace. Such things cannot be per mitted at any school of which I am the head. I will hear the rest of your strange tale."

In as few words as possible Dick told how he had wandered around until he had reached the cottage, and what had happened afterward.

"It was assuredly a remarkable adventure,"