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"So far as I know only a few of the fellows have left the Hall on account of the scarlet fever scare," said Larry. "And they were boys that nobody seemed to care much about."

"I was told that the fellows expected to elect an entirely new lot of officers," said Sam. "We have been away so much I've rather lost track of our military affairs."

"Captain Putnam said we would have to ballot for officers as soon as all the boys were back," said Larry. "Some of the old officers have graduated, you must remember."

"I've not forgotten that I was once second lieutenant of Company A," put in Dick. "Reckon I'll have to try my luck once more—if the boys want me to run."

"Well, I want you to run for one, Dick," said Larry. "Hans, you'll vote for Dick, won't you?"

"Yah, und I vonts him to vote for me, too," said the German youth.

"Why, Hans, do you want to be water-carrier this year?" asked Sam.

"Nein, I vonts to be high brivate py der rear rank alretty. Von of der fellows tote me dot would chust suit me."

"All right, Hans, we'll all elect you high private of the rear rank," answered Larry with a laugh.