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"It's mine by right," he said. "It wouldn't be fair to elect anybody else."

"But Dick Rover and Larry Colby stand almost as high," said one of the cadets. "Captain Putnam said your average was 96 per cent., while Rover's average was 95 per cent, and Larry Colby's was 94 per cent. A difference of one or two per cent, out of a possible hundred isn't much."

"I don't care," retorted Lew Flapp, "I ought to be elected major, and that is all there is to it."

When Dick was approached he had but little to say.

"I didn't expect to stand so high," he declared, "I don't know that I care to be made major. If I get to be a captain or a first lieutenant I shall be well content. You know I was a second lieutenant once."

"My percentage is more than I expected," said Larry. "I really didn't think I was so well up in military matters. Now, if the boys want me for an officer I'll take whatever they give me."

"And that is what I say," added George Granbury.

"Ditto, myself," put in Tom. "Even a second lieutenantship will not be declined by yours truly."

After this there was a good deal of canvassing and "log rolling" as it is called. Lew Flapp