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"Oh, don't be a sissy, Davis. Here, I'll drink with you, and then I'll smoke a cigar with Moss. If you are going to be men you want to start right in. Eh, Rockley?"

"That's right, Lew," answered Pockley, as he lit a fresh cigar.

"What you need is another glass, Davis," came from Pender. "It will act as a bracer. Just try it and see."

"I—I don't want to get—get——" faltered Davis.

"Get what?"

"Intoxicated—really I don't——"

"Who said anything about that?" demanded Lew Flapp in apparent anger. "Don't be a fool. One more glass won't hurt you. Here, take it," and he almost forced the liquor to Joe Davis's lips.

But before he could accomplish his wicked design Dick Rover leaped quickly into the apartment and hurled the glass from the big boy's hand.

"For shame, Flapp!" he cried. "For shame!"

"And that's what I say, too," came from Powell, who was close behind Dick.

Every cadet in the room was astonished, and all leaped to their feet.

"What's up?" cried Rockley.