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engine and propellers and swept into the air once more.

The late moon had come up, and this light, added to that of the stars, made it possible for them to keep the road well in view. Over the town they swept and then over the church near the bridge. Then they commenced to follow the road leading to Plankville and Bulltown.

It must be confessed that all of the youths were deeply excited, and Tom and Sam looked to their pistols, to make certain that the weapons were ready for use. They felt that the rascals who had abducted Dora and Nellie in such a high-handed fashion would not give in without a struggle.

As they went on, Dick slowed down the engine, and ran closer and closer to the road.

"There is a sign and a big plank, closing the road!" cried Tom, presently. "And there is the bridge, just ahead."

Scarcely had he spoken when Dick shut off the engine entirely and volplaned to the broad roadway and only a short distance from the bridge. All looked around eagerly. Not a sign of a touring car could be seen.

"Maybe they made a mistake——" commenced Sam, when Dick, who was examining the ground, uttered a cry.