Page:Rover Boys on Treasure Isle.djvu/149

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"Oh, I'm not afraid of anything he'll do," answered Dick.

Nevertheless, he was a bit anxious as he reached the dock, and he lost no time in sending the girls to the yacht with Songbird, and he asked his chum to send Mr. Rover ashore.

A minute later a light runabout spun up and a tall, thin man, with a sour face, leaped out and strode up to the two machines.

"Who hired these machines, I want to know?" he demanded.

"I did," answered Dick boldly. "Are you the manager of the garage?"

"I am, and I want to know by what right you've been running the cars without the regular drivers?"

"We wanted to get back to the city and the chauffeurs were in no condition to bring us back," put in Tom.

"What have you to do with it, young man?"

"I drove one car and my brother here drove the other. We didn't hurt the machines and you ought to be glad we brought them back in good condition."

"Humph! You hadn't any license to run them."

"We took the liberty of doing so," said Dick. "If you want to get angry about it, I'll get angry