Page:Rowland--The Mountain of Fears.djvu/160

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of the lieutenant. Then I crossed the square to where the commando was still drinking. I found the sergeant in the dirty little café, himself somewhat intoxicated. At sight of me he sprang to his feet with an oath.

"'Silence!' said I, in Spanish. 'Your lieutenant has persuaded me to take his place for a few hours.'

" 'Where is he?' demanded the sergeant, suspiciously.

"I gave him a drunken leer and slapped him lightly on the shoulder.

" 'Can you not guess?' I asked, meaningly.

" 'But it cannot be,' growled the man. 'And who are you? It is as much as his commission is worth!'

" 'It would be worth more than his commission was worth if he were to accompany his command in his present condition,' I snapped. 'You do not seem to understand that I am doing him a favor at a personal risk; also, he told me to give you this and to tell you to keep your mouth shut.' And I

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