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MINERVA'S MANOEUVRES. The Cheerful Tale of a "Return to Nature." By Charles Battell Loomis. Illustrated by F. R. Gruger. I2mo. Cloth. $1.50.

Mr. Loomis's name has become a synonym for good cheer. In the prevailing fashion of "nature study" and a "return to nature," Mr. Loomis's quaint and gentle humor has found a delightfully fitting theme. The adventures at the summer home to which Minerva is led from the city to dwell with nature, and the series of unexpected and mirthful incidents form a story which readers have described as the legitimate successor to " udder Grange." It is a story free from stress or strain. There are no problems except the problem of Minerva and the simple life, and these are solved with unexpected turns and a richness of humorous situations.

ON TYBEE KNOLL. A Story of the Georgia Coast. By James B. Connolly. Illustrated in colors by Ch. Weber- Ditzler. I2mo. Cloth. 1 1. 25. Second edition.

"There is adventure aplenty, and much frustrating of the schemes of revengeful men." N. Y. Tribune.

"Clean and natural. Leaves a good taste in the mouth," Chicago Evening Post.

"A breezy story told with engaging frankness." Newark Advertiser.

SERENA. A Novel. By Virginia Frazer Boyle. Frontispiece in colors by Elizabeth Gowdy Baker. I2mo. Cloth. $1.50. Second edition.

"The high standard of her short stories is well maintained. Strong and unusual." N. Y. Globe.

"This romance runs the entire gamut of the human emotions." N. Y. American.

"Easily one of the very best among the good stories of the Old South." N. Y. World.