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and heard what he has to say I will take no offensive action. I will strike only in self-defence and to save my own life—if I should get the chance. And I will promise you, also, ma Mère, that if the matter can be settled without bloodshed it shall be so."

The old lady leaned over and patted my shoulder.

"Thank you, my son," said she. "God will reward you!"

A fortnight saw me practically sound again. The bullet hole in my shoulder had been drilled clean and closed up again without a drop of pus. The knife-wound was also clean, though in healing it left the outer side of my hand rather cold and numb.

Then came the time to say good-bye and it wasn't easy; for I had grown mighty found of these two sweet, brave women, each so different from the other, yet in a way so much alike. They liked me too—that was plain enough from their actions; and all three of us knew it was pretty uncertain when and where we would meet again. Naturally I had not stuck my head out of the door since the afternoon I came to the little studio apartment; and, once I had left it, I did not intend to risk going back. Neither would it do to meet either of them outside. Once Chu-Chu discovered that they were my friends, there was no telling what horrible thing might happen.

I had decided to leave at midnight and go straight to Ivan's house. Sœur Anne Marie was suffering from a headache and at nine o'clock I made her go to bed. She gave me her blessing and made me promise to send her a few words from time to time. Rosalie was resting, for she had come in at about