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I followed him up the path and into the house, and as we entered I heard a rustle from an adjoining room.

"It is all right, Pierre," said Ivan.

"Merci, m'sieu."

Ivan touched a button and the light streamed out.

"Let us go up to my bureau," said he. We can be more comfortable there, and I have quite a good deal to say to you."

So up we went to the handsome room, with its stately Empire furniture, Oriental rugs and valuable paintings, for Ivan was a connoisseur and collector. He seated himself behind his desk and motioned me to a big fauteuil opposite.

"Let me compliment you upon your quick recovery of health," said Ivan, eying me keenly. "Chu-Chu told me he shot you through the body and ripped a hole through your arm with his knife. He was unable to understand how you made your escape, and has been cursing modern high-velocity pistols with small-calibre, steel-jacketed bullets ever since. He is also inclined to suspect Léontine."

"He drilled me through the shoulder," I answered, "and the knife wound was nothing much. For my part, I've been cursing my own clumsiness."

Ivan gave that peculiar smile which might have stood for amusement or malice.

"I wonder you didn't drop on his back just now," said he.

There was no use in telling him of my promise to Sœur Anne Marie, so I answered:

"I might have done so if it had been anywhere else. Naturally I would not make a row on your