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and leaned toward me, so that her bosom was crushed against the polished table.

"I came in to bust up the trap," I answered, and took a big bite of caviar and toast. Now that the ice was broken, I was beginning to have a good time; and I must say that, after living round in punky little restaurants, that fresh Orsova caviar, with eggs a pearly grey and as big as buckshot, wasn't the least of it. "Yes, my dear," said I, "when I walked in here I was like a Fourth of July pinwheel, just waiting for the match. And, though I'm having a splendid lunch, and admiring you more than ever, I'm none the less all organised for war. Only, if there's to be rough-house, I wish you'd hold it off until I finish this caviar. Remember, Léontine dear, I've been acting and living up to the rôle of a wandering preacher—and I'm hungry."

Léontine's eyes sparkled. "Do you know what I really wish?" she cried.

"What?" I asked.

"I wish that I actually had about half a dozen bravos hidden round the house—just to see the fun."

"And Chu-Chu——"

She shook her head with a little shudder. "No," she answered—"not Chu-Chu. I am too fond of you, Frank!" And she laid her cheek on my sleeve. A queer girl, Léontine.

Presently she looked up with a sad sort of smile.

"Drink your wine if you like it, my dear," says she. "I will take some with you if it will make you feel any easier."

The blood poured into my face and without wait-