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Whoſe lovely ſparkling eyes,
do outſhine the ſtars by night.

O ſome call me the ſergeant,
becauſe I am ſix foot high:
I am fitting for the army,
where all kinds of bullets fly;
But if I were in Britain,
and my true love along with me,
With every thing that's fitting,
to ſerve his royal Majeſty.

Adieu my lovely Molly,
although her portion is but ſmall,
I might have ſweet-hearts many,
if I could maintain them all:
We'll go where liquor's plenty,
we'll roll boys from ſide to ſide,
Her fortune ne'er ſhall daunton me,
I'm young and the world's wide.

You curious ſmiths and founders,
that daily work upon the fire;
Whoſe genius with wonders,
makes others to admire:
Fine jewellers and ſmelters,
refiners of the pureſt gold,
Will ſay 'tis jolly Colliers
all other trades they do uphold.

Come fill up your bumpers,
and let the muſic ſweetly ſound;
Here's a health to jolly Colliers

who daily mine below the ground: