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Do you pay all of your obligations promptly when due?

If so, you are building a solid Credit Rating.

Six Specimen Letters.

Handling the new customer at the very outset, in an efficient manner, has much to do with his being placed in the proper attitude in regard to better credits. If the ap- plicant’s rating warrants it, there can be no objection to shipping his order immediately, but the credit department should request his financial statement as a basis for further orders. Or, if the rating be very high, this can sometimes even be dispensed with, as a very high rating indicates in itself that the debtor is a good risk. Letters should, of course, carry correspondent’s signature, above official title.

The New Customer.

Dear Sir:—

Thank you for your order of Oct. Sth, which came in this morning. This has already been approved for credit and passed on for shipment, which will be made tomorrow or the day following.

This is apparently your first order with us and I want to personally welcome you and trust I may number you as one of our steady customers. It is perhaps with pardonable pride that we point to the high standard of our products and to our ability to still meet responsible competition. Our goods are priced to give the merchant a goodly profit, and at the same time enable him to sell his customers merchandise backed by a reputation.

The rating assigned to you by the mercantile agencies war- rants our shipping this first order without hesitation, but I am enclosing our usual financial statement for you to fill out,