Page:Roy Ralph Hottman - Practical Collection Procedure (1923).pdf/89

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We know that with this little reminder before you, you will let us have check for our small bill of $16:00 by return mail,

Yours respectfully,

Credit Department.

Dear Sir:—

Our books show a small balance due us on your account of $19.00. As our records indicate you have always remitted promptly heretofore, we feel that perhaps this is an error in our books.

We would therefore be glad to have you check over the enclosed itemized statement to see if any discrepancy exists between it and your figures.

Should there be any difference, please advise, so that we can correct our books accordingly.

Yours respectfully,

Credit Department.

Dear Sir:—

We should have received your check for $12.85 yesterday, to cover the statement mailed you recently, and a copy of which we are enclosing. We know you will agree with us that our terms are very liberal.

Please send us a check for this small amount and accept our thanks in advance for the early attention we are sure you will give it.

Yours respectfully,

Credit Department.

Or the last paragraph in the above letter may be changed to—

Please send us check for this small amount by early mail and accept our thanks in advance for it.

Yours respectfully,

Credit Department.