Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/120

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Knight, K.C.B. His eldest son, who was a student at the Royal Naval College, died in Jan. 1811. One of his daughters is the wife of Lieutenant Alexander Buchanan, R.N.

Agent.– J. Copland, Esq.

M.P. for Launceston, in Cornwall.
[Post-Captain of 1806.]

Eldest son of Admiral Viscount Exmouth. Post commission dated Jan. 22, 1806.

Agent.– J. P. Muspratt, Esq.

[Post-Captain of 1806.]

Son of Rear-Admiral (formerly Commissioner) Bowen, whose services have been recorded in our second volume.

This officer was educated at the Royal Naval College, which he quitted in Feb. 1798; and from that period, until the commencement of 1801, we find him serving as a Midshipman on board the Argo 44, commanded by his father, under whom he assisted at the capture of a Spanish frigate, mounting 42 guns; a royal packet of 12 guns; three privateers; three armed ships, with letters of marque, and four other merchantmen: also at the recapture of a British sloop of war, and one of the Falmouth packets. We should here observe, that upwards of thirty vessels were likewise taken and destroyed by the boats of the Argo during the same period; and that Mr. Bowen served on shore, as aid-de-camp to Captain Buchanan, at the reduction of Minorca, in Nov. 1798[1].

On leaving the Argo, Mr. Bowen joined the Lancaster 64,, bearing the Hag of Sir Roger Curtis, on the Cape station, from whence he returned to England in the Adamant 50, at the close of 1801. His promotion to the rank of Lieutenant took: place in April 1802.

After serving for about a month in the Hound sloop of war, Lieutenant Bowen was appointed to the Glatton 54, then fit-