Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/227

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expressing his wishes to remain in her until the island was completely subjugated; the result of his application will be seen by the Admiral’s reply:

Scipion, Batavia Roads, 30 Aug. 1811.

“Dear Sir,– I cannot consider the survey which has been taken upon the state of your health, by your own request, as in any manner affecting the character of a zealous officer, which deservedly belongs to you, and you are naturally anxious to maintain.

“The service on which the frigates are now necessarily employed is little better than that of temporary transports, and places them and officers in your situation in a very different point of view to what it would be if a squadron of the enemy’s ships was to be attacked.

“As far as you are individually concerned, your health prevents you from discharging the duties of Captain of the Psyche, and I am sorry that there is little prospect of recovery in this climate; it almost becomes a duty upon you to take the necessary means of recovery, for without health no advantages of service can be enjoyed.

“The enemy may carry on a teasing war for some time longer, but their effective strength is destroyed; no brilliant actions can therefore be expected, and none in our line.

“I recommend you, therefore, to abide by the opinion of the officers who held the survey, and to quit the Psyche, in the fullest conviction that the most scrupulous officer cannot condemn your conduct in doing so. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)Robt. Stopford.”

To Captain Edgcumbe, &c. &c. &c.

On the receipt of this remonstrance and advice, Captain Edgcumbe gave up the command of the Pysche, and. was ordered a passage home in the Caroline frigate. He arrived in England at the close of 1811; and it is almost superfluous to add, that he received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, in common with the other officers who were employed in the operations against the Isles of France and Java, and their dependencies.

Agents.– Messrs, Goode and Clarke.

[Post-Captain of 1807.]

Was made a Post-Captain Nov. 22, 1790; and subsequently commanded the Thisbe frigate, Assistance of 50 guns,