Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/233

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Keith, that the Pactolus and Hebrus had completely dismantled the forts of Verdun, Royan, de Lousac, and Miché; destroyed nearly 70 pieces of heavy artillery, and thereby secured their retreat in case of a reverse.

On the 16th July, every thing having been arranged for organising the people of the district in which they then were, the frigates ran up towards Castillon, where Captain Aylmer received a despatch from General Clausel, formally announcing to him the armistice that had taken place at Purls, and expressing a wish that he also would agree to a suspension of hostilities.

Captain Palmer had previously been sent to treat with Mons. Clausel; and from the tone of this communication, Captain Aylmer considered that it afforded him a good opportunity for continuing the negociation. He did so, and it ended in the General sending for Count de Lasteur, Baron de Montalembert, and Captain Palmer, who proceeded to Bourdeaux, and by their conciliatory conduct preserved the internal tranquillity of that city, until the troops devoted to Napoleon Buonaparte were finally disposed of; or more properly speaking, until they broke up, and returned to their homes. We must refer our readers to the Naval Chronicle, Vol. XXXIV. p. 172, for a copy of Captain Palmer’s letter, describing “the enthusiasm and joy” manifested by the inhabitants of Bourdeaux at this interesting period.

In the following year Captain Palmer accompanied Lord Exmouth to Algiers, where the Hebrus sustained a loss of 4 killed and 15 wounded. He was nominated a C.B. in June 1815[1].

The subject of this memoir married, Nov. 27, 1817, Henrietta, daughter of the late Captain William Henry Jervis, R.N. nephew to Earl St. Vincent[2].

Agents.– Messrs. Cooke, Halford and Son.

  1. See p. 237 of this volume.
  2. Manuscript footnote: Died at Brighton 19 Sept 1824, Obit. notice ‘U. S. Journal’ 1834 iii 429–431.