Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/307

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west bastion to be fired: the storm was as sudden as it was resolute; and we became masters of the fort by half-past three o’clock, after a feeble struggle of ten minutes, by 300 or 400 Madura pikemen, who, with their chiefs were made prisoners on the ramparts.

“On the appearance of day-light, observing the French colours flying on a flag-staff at the east end of the town, and perceiving the natives begin to assemble in numbers, I sent Captain Pellew with a column of 100 bayonets and one field-piece, with a flag of trace, requesting the governor would surrender in ten minutes, and promising that private property should be respected. To my utter astonishment I received a most insulting answer, requiring me, in three hours, to evacuate the fort, or he, the governor, would storm it; and at the same time Captain Pellew sent Mr. (John William) Oldmixon, an intelligent young officer, to inform me their force appeared about 2,000 strong, protected by 4 field-pieces in their front, on a bridge possessing every advantage of situation, the column having to advance along an even and strait road for a quarter of a mile before they could force the bridge. I did not hesitate, but sent to my companion in arms, and assistant in advice. Captain Pellew, to advance when the first gun was fired from a column I should lead out of the fort, and that I should take a route that would turn the enemy’s left wing. This had the desired effect; for, on their seeing my party advance, they drew off two field-pieces, and broke their line to oppose us.

“I led 70 small-arm, and 20 pike-men, belonging to the Sir Francis Drake and Dasher, supported by a 4-pounder field-piece, into action, leaving a reserve of 40 or 50 men in the fort: both columns gave their vollies nearly at the same moment, and for five minutes a sharp fire was given and returned as we advanced; but on our near approach the enemy gave way, and a most animated and spirited charge made their flight and defeat complete, and we were left masters of the field, colours, and gunsThe governor and other Dutch inhabitants were made prisoners; and I accepted of a flag of truce from the Rajah of Samanap, who was present, under conditions that the inhabitants of his district should not arm themselves against us again.

“I have now the gratification of mentioning my approbation of the conduct of every officer and man under my immediate command, in both contests; and have great pleasure in adding, that Captain Pellew expresses himself much satisfied with those under his command in storming the town. I do not wish to particularise any, for all did their duty in a gallant manner. One instance I cannot omit noticing, the conduct of Lieutenant Roch, R.M., belonging to the Sir Francis Drake, ao was speared twice by two natives, when resolutely endeavouring to wrest the colours out of the hands of a French officer, who was killed in the fray.

“In justice also, I gladly acknowledge the assistance and advice I have received from Captain Pellew, who aided every point of service with his well known zeal, ability, and bravery; Captain Kelly merits my warmest