Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/310

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contrary to the discipline of the royal navy, highly prejudicial to the public interest, or to his Majesty’s service:’ and the Court doth, therefore, adjudge the said Captain George Harris to be most honorably acquitted, &c.

“Upon this sentence being read by the Judge Advocate, the President, Sir James Hawkins Whitshed rose, and addressed Captain Harris to the following effect:– ‘Captain Harris, it now becomes a pleasing part of my duty to restore to you your sword, which, as the sentence read will have assured you, is untarnished and unsullied. It has often been so wielded by you, in defence of your King and Country, and I feel confident satisfaction that it will ever be so worn as to promote your own honor, and the credit and best interests of your country.’”

Captain Harris married, Nov. 29, 1821, Anna Maria, eldest daughter of John Woodcock, of Fern Acres, Buckinghamshire, Esq.

Agent.– Messrs. Stilwell.

[Post-Captain of 1808.]

Was made a Commander Mar. 3, 1804; and advanced to post rank Jan. 4, 1808. His first appointment afterwards was to act as Captain of the Imperieuse frigate, which ship he joined at Portsmouth, a short time previous to the sailing of the expedition destined against Antwerp.

After assisting at the reduction of Flushing, Captain Garth proceeded up the Scheldt, where he was actively employed during the whole of the operations in that river, and on one occasion very warmly engaged with a land battery, the magazine of which was blown up by Shrapnel’s shells, discharged from the Imperieuse’s carronades. The services performed by part of his crew, on shore, will be noticed under the head of Commander Eaton Travers.

In the spring of 1810, we find Captain Garth employed under the orders of Captain (now Sir George) Cockburn, who had been sent to Quiberon bay for the purpose of co-operating with the Baron de Kolli, in an attempt to effect the liberation of Ferdinand VII., then a prisoner at Valeçay[1]. On

  1. See Brenton’s Nav. Hist. Vol. IV. pp. 421–424.