Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/358

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your indefatigable companion. Captain Raitt, of the Scout[1], have done infinite service by the annoyance you have given to the enemy’s privateers, &c. I return you the letters, and am, Sir, with great esteem, your faithful humble servant,


On his return from the Balearic islands, Captain Ussher resumed his station in the Gut of Gibraltar, where we find him continually engaged in pursuit of the enemy’s gun-boats and privateers for a period of nine months, during which he also was often under the fire of some of their numerous batteries.

On the 7th May, 1808, at day-light, Cape Trafalgar bearing W.N.W, distant about six miles, Captain Ussher discovered seven armed vessels convoying twelve Spanish merchantmen alongshore. The enemy appeared desirous of trying their strength with the Redwing, and he immediately made all sail to close with them, and to cut off their retreat to leeward. the wind being very light and variable, he did not get within point-blank shot before seven o’clock, at which time they opened their fire, handed their sails, formed a line abreast, and swept towards the Redwing, displaying more than their usual confidence, and indicating an intention to board. That the enemy had good reason to hope for success is proved by Captain Ussher’s description of their force, viz.

Two schooners, the Diligente and Boreas, each mounting 2 long 24-pounders and 2 eights, with a complement of 60 men.

Three gun-vessels, their aggregate force 3 long 24-pounders, 2 sixes, 1 36-pounder, and 111 men.

A mistico of 4 guns and 20 men, and a felucca of similar force. – Total, 22 guns and 271 men[2].

Aware that much depended upon the effects of her first fire. Captain Ussher ordered each of the Redwing’s guns to be loaded with one round shot, one grape, one canister, and 500 musket-balls (tied up in a bag); directed his best marksmen to point them at the Diligente, that vessel bearing the broad pendant of the Spanish Commodore; and desired that their

  1. Posted Sept. 16, 1809; died in Feb. 1816.
  2. Redwing, 16 thirty-two pounder carronades, 2 long sixes, 98 officers, men, and boys – the remainder of her complement absent.