Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/408

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kinson, first of the Comet, for his zeal and activity in this contest; and to represent that the conduct of every officer and the ship’s company, the latter chiefly consisting of new raised men, was such as to merit my highest approbation. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)C. F. Daly.”

Captain Daly’s post commission bears date Aug. 18, 1808.

Agents.– Messrs. Cooke, Halford, and Son.

[Post-Captain of 1808.]

Served part of his time as a midshipman under the command of that blunt old sailor, and worthy man, the late Admiral T. M. Russell; by whom he was employed on a See Vol. I, p. 142., St. Domingo, in Feb. 1792[1].

From this period we find no mention made of Mr. Pipon until Aug. 21, 1801; when his gallant and judicious conduct, in a dashing boat affair, was thus noticed by the present comptroller of the navy:

Fisgard, off Ferrol, Aug. 21.

“Sir,– I beg to inform you, that last night the boats of H.M. ships Fisgard, Diamond, and Boadicca, attacked the enemy’s vessels lyinig in the harbour of Corunna, and succeeded in bringing out El Neptuno, a new ship, pierced for 20 guns, belonging to his Catholic Majesty; a gun-boat, mounting one long 32-pounder; and a merchant ship. These prizes wore moored within the strong batteries that protect the port, and so near them that the sentinels on the ramparts challenged our people, and immediately commenced a heavy fire; but they were towed out with a degree of coolness and perseverance that does infinite credit to the officers and men; and can only be equalled by their conduct throughout the affair. I should he very glad, if it were in my power to do justice to the merits of Lieutenant Pipon, who directed this enterprise with the most becoming spirit and address. His success will, I trust, sufficiently recommend him to your approbation, and the notice of my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)T. B. Martin.”

To the Hon. Admiral Cornwallis.

Lieutenant Pipon was promoted to the rank of Commander

  1. See Vol. I, p. 142. N.B. Captain Pipon, then serving as a midshipman of the Diana frigate, is the officer who was sent.“to receive the order for Lieutenant Perkins’s pardon and delivery.”