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commission dated back so as to give him post rank from July 25, 1810, the day on which he had so greatly distinguished himself. Previous to his leaving the Weazle, however, he added one more vessel to the list of her captures.

Captain Prescott’s next appointment was, about Aug. 1811, to the Fylla of 20 guns, from which ship he removed to the Eridanus frigate, in the summer of 1813. He was nominated a C.B. June 4, 1815; and appointed to the Aurora 46, April 6,1821.

In June following the Aurora left Chatham fully manned, and fitted for the South American station. On his arrival there Captain Prescott found himself the senior officer on the eastern coast, and he continued as such till the return of Sir Thomas M. Hardy from the Pacific, by whom he was immediately despatched to fill the same situation there. In 1822, the Congress of Peru having ordered a forced contribution on the commerce of Lima, the British proportion of which amounted to nearly 200,000 dollars. Captain Prescott remonstrated, and took such decided and effectual measures as compelled an abandonment of that impolitic and iniquitous exaction. The merchants, in consequence, came to the following resolution:–

“At a meeting of the British merchants, held in the British Commercial Rooms, Lima, Oct. 12, 1822, it was resolved, that the sum of 1600 dollars be voted to purchase a testimonial of our respect and gratitude to Captain Prescott, for the services rendered us during our present differences with the Peruvian government.

(Signed)John Moens, Chairman.”

After remaining in that ardous command for about 18 months, Captain Prescott proceeded to San Blas, and subsequently made a coasting voyage, for the purpose of taking in specie at the different ports of Peru and Chili. The Aurora returned to England with a considerable freight, and was paid off in Feb. 1825.

Captain Prescott married, July 5, 1815, Mary Ann Charlotte, eldest daughter of the late Vice-Admiral d’Auvergne, Prince de Bouillon, by whom he has several children. His only brother, an officer in the Hon.E.I. Company’s infantry, was drowned when returning to England, in 1806.

Agent.– John Copland, Esq.