Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/350

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killed wounded

Glasgow 50, Captain Hon. James Ashley Maude 0 2
Talbot 28, Captain Hon. Frederick Spencer 6 17
Musquito 10, Comm. George Bohun Martin 2 4
Rose 18, Comm. Lewis Davies 3 15
Brisk 10, Comm. Hon. William Anson 1 3
Philomel 10, Comm. Viscount Ingestre 1 7
Total 75 197


Syrene 60, Rear-Admiral H. De Rigny 21 42
Scipion 74, Captaine Millius 2 36
Trident 74, Captaine Maurice 0 7
Breslau 74, Captaine De La Bretonnière
Armide 44, Captaine Hugon 14 14
Alcyone sch., 1 9
Dauphinoise 1 8
40 130
Officers, not included in the above number 3 3
Total 43 133


Azof 74, Rear-Admiral Count De Heiden 24 67
Gargoute 74, 14 37
Ezekiel 74, 13 18
Alexander Newsky 74, 5 7
Constantine 50, 0 1
Provernoy 48, 3 4
Elena 48, 0 5
Castor 48, 0 0
Total 59 139

Grand Total, – 177 killed, 469 wounded.

Copy of the General Order to which we alluded at p. 332.

H.M.S. Asia, in the Port of Navarin, 24 Oct. 1827.

“Before the united squadrons remove from the theatre on which they have gained so complete a victory, the Vice-Admiral, commander-in-chief, is desirous of making known to the officers, seamen, and marines, employed in them, the high sense which he has of their gallant and steady conduct on the 20th instant. – He is persuaded that there is no instance of the fleet of any one country shewing more complete union of spirit and