Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/365

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under my command, also of the late French national frigate la Psyché. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)Henry Lambert.”

To Vice-Admiral Rainier, &c. &c. &c.

The loss of men on both sides in this action was very great, the St. Fiorenzo having 12 killed and 36 wounded; la Psyché 57 slain and 70 wounded. It adds much to the honor and credit of Captain Lambert, his officers, and crew, that the character of Mons. Bergeret stood very high in the French navy, he being the same officer who commanded la Virginie, when captured by Sir Edward Pellew in the Indefatigable[1]; to which may be added the support given him by the armed ship, mentioned in the foregoing letter. All the trading part of H.M. subjects throughout India rejoiced on the occasion of his capture, as being more apprehensive of depredations on their property from his abilities and activity than from the whole remaining force of the French navy on that station.

Captain Doyle’s commission as a commander bears date Sept. 18, 1805. We subsequently find him commanding the Lightning sloop of war, in which vessel he continued after his promotion to post rank, April 3, 1811. His last appointment was, Mar. 21, 1821, to the Glasgow of 50 guns. In that ship he conveyed the remains of the late Queen from Harwich to Cuxhaven; Sir Edward Paget and family from Portsmouth to the East Indies; and the Marquis of Hastings from Calcutta to Gibraltar.

The Glasgow was paid off in 1824; and Captain Doyle received the honor of knighthood, April 20, 1825.

Agents.– Messrs. Stilwell.

[Post-Captain of 1811.]

Obtained a lieutenant’s commission in 1795; and was badly wounded when serving on board Nelson’s flag-ship, at the ever memorable battle of Trafalgar. His promotion to the rank of commander took place Dec. 24, 1805.

Towards the close of 1808, Captain Pasco was appointed