Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/379

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correctly described by Mr. Evan Lewis, a gentleman who then belonged to her:–

“On the 26th March we sailed from the Cove of Cork, in company with H.M. ship Carysfort, and 69 sail of merchantmen under convoy for the West Indies. On the 27th we were out of sight of land, with a fair wind, blowing a strong gale, and steering about W.S.W. On the 28lt, 29th, and 30th, the weather and our course were nearly the same. On the 31st, the wind came more to the westward, but did not blow so hard. On the 1st April, at noon, we observed in lat. 40° 61' N. long, per account, 12° 29' W. At 8 P.M. the wind shifted to the S.W. blowing fresh, course S.S.E. At 10, up main-sail and set the main-stay-sail. At 10-15, the latter split by the sheet giving way; called all hands upon deck. At 10-30, strong breezes and squally: took in the fore-top-sail and set the fore-sail. At 11-30 the main-top-sail split; furled it and the main-sail. The ship was now under her fore-sail, and main and mizen-storm-stay-sails; the wind blowing hard with a heavy sea.

“About 3-30 A.M. on the 2d April, the ship struck the ground, to the astonishment of every one on board, and by the above reckoning, we then conjectured, upon an unknown shoal. She continued striking the ground very heavy, by which her bottom was materially damaged, and making much water; the chain-pumps were rigged with the utmost despatch, but, in about ten minutes, she beat and drove over the shoal. On endeavouring to steer her, we found the rudder carried away. She then got before the wind. The pumps were kept going; but from the quantity of water she shipped, there was every probability of her soon foundering, as she was filling, and sinking very fast.

“After running about five minutes, the ship struck the ground again, with such tremendous shocks, that we were fearful she would instantly go to pieces, and kept striking and driving further on the sands, the sea making breaches completely over her. We cut away the laniards of the main and mizen rigging, and the masts fell with a tremendous crash over the larboard side: the fore-mast went immediately after. The ship then fell on her starboard side, with the gunwale under water. The violence with which she struck the ground, and the weight of the guns, those on the quarter-deck tearing away the bulwark, soon made the ship a perfect wreck abaft: only four or five guns could possibly be fired to alarm the convoy, and give notice of danger. On her striking the second time, most pitiful cries were heard every where between decks, many of the men giving themselves up to inevitable death. I was told that I might as well stay below, as there was an equal likelihood of perishing if I got upon deck. I was determined to go, but first attempted to enter my cabin, and was in danger of having my legs broke by the chests floating about, as the bulk-heads were giving way: I therefore desisted, and endeavoured to get upon deck, which I effected, after being several times washed down