Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/469

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Lieutenant-Colonel Catanelli, in an attack upon Leghorn, the unsuccessful result of which is noticed in our memoir of Sir Josias Rowley[1]. Mis gallant conduct on that occasion, and the activity and zeal displayed by him during the more fortunate operations against Genoa and its dependencies, are duly acknowledged in the official letters respecting those services, copies of which are given at pp. 424-430, of Vol. II. Part I.

Captain Hamilton’s next appointment was to the Havannah 42, in which frigate he proceeded from the Mediterranean to North America. After the failure of the Baltimore expedition, he was left in the Chesapeake, under the orders of Captain Robert Barrie, with whom he went up the Rappahannock, in Nov. 1814[2]. The Havannah formed part of Napoleon Buonaparte’s escort to St. Helena, in 1815.

On the 25th July, 1820, Captain Hamilton was appointed to the Cambrian 48, in which ship he conveyed Lord Strangford and his family to the capital of the Turkish empire.

At the commencement of the revolution in Greece, Captain Hamilton was immediately selected by Vice-Admiral Sir Graham Moore to command the squadron which it was found necessary to station in the Archipelago, where, by his zealous interference and energetic measures, he rendered unspeakable service to the cause of suffering humanity, and justly entitled himself to the respect and gratitude of both the contending parties.

In Jan. 1824, Captain Hamilton was sent to Tunis to demand the ratification of certain treaties essential to the honor and interests of Great Britain. This mission was conducted with his usual promptitude and judgment, and finally crowned with success.

The Cambrian was subsequently ordered home, and put out of commission. The manner in which she was paid off reflects the highest credit on all belonging to her. Not a man left the ship till the payment was completed, when they all started in a body, enthusiastically cheering the captain and