Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/487

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nated a K.C.B.; and in Mar. following, with his flag in the Bombay 74, he accompanied Lord Exmouth from Minorca, upon an expedition to Tunis and Algiers, the object and result of which have been stated at p. 253 of Vol. II. Part I. Had it been found necessary to adopt hostile measures at the latter place, for which the squadron was fully prepared, the same honorable station was assigned to Sir Charles Penrose which Lord Exmouth took up, and so nobly maintained, on the glorious 27th Aug. 1816.

Sir Charles was at Malta when his lordship re-entered the Mediterranean, for the purpose of chastising the barbarians should they refuse to make reparation for their renewed aggressions. Hearing of his lordship’s arrival, and the object of the expedition, he immediately sailed from Valette in the Ister frigate. Captain Thomas Forrest; but “arrived too late to take his share in the attack upon Algiers;” which Lord Exmouth particularly lamented, as “his services would have been desirable in every respect.”

Although Sir Charles Penrose had the mortification to find that the principal object of the expedition had been accomplished without his participation, still his services, as Lord Exmouth’s representative, during the last three days’ negociations with the Dey, were found particularly useful; and “the prudence, firmness, and ability with which he conducted himself” on that delicate occasion were highly praised by his lordship[1].

In Sept. 1816, Sir Charles Penrose once more assumed the chief command on the Mediterranean station; and shortly afterwards he was presented by Pope Pius VIL with two superb marble vases, in consideration of the expeditious and humane manner in which the emancipated subjects of his Holiness were forwarded to the Roman States: an appropriate despatch accompanied this present.

Sir Charles Penrose afterwards accompanied his friend Sir Thomas Maitland, Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian islands, to Prevesa, in Albania, where they were for several

  1. London Gazette.