Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/73

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commander-in-chief on the Downs station, of which the following is a copy:–

“Sir,– I have the honor to acquaint you, that on reconnoitering Dieppe yesterday, I perceived seven lugger privateers at anchor close together, within a cable’s length of the pier-head under the batteries; and deeming it, notwithstanding their numbers, practicable to capture or destroy some of them, I this morning, at one o’clock, the wind being southerly, stood in and perceived the whole seven at anchor, as when reconnoitred: I immediately ran between two, and laid one on board, which, after a fruitless attempt on the part of the enemy to board the Cherokee, I succeeded in bringing out, and which proves to be l’Amiable Nelly, a new lugger, of 16 guns, 106 tons, and 60 men.

“During the time we were under the batteries, the whole of the privateers kept up a constant fire of musketry; but, I am happy to state, only two were wounded, viz. Lieutenant Gabriel, and Mr. James Ralph, boatswain, both in the hand. The enemy had 2 killed and 8 wounded, 3 dangerously.

“I feel it a duty I owe to my officers and crew to state, their conduct deserves my warmest approbation, for the cool steadiness they shewed, both in attacking the enemy, and during the time we were under the batteries. I am, &c.

(Signed)R. Arthur.”

To Vice-Admiral Campbell.

For his daring conduct on this occasion. Captain Arthur was immediately promoted, and his post commission dated back to the day on which he made the successful attack. His last naval appointment was, Oct. 16, 1812, to the Andromeda of 22 guns.

Agent.– ___

[Post-Captain of 1810.]

Only son of the late Captain Monke, of the Royal Horse Guards.

This officer entered the navy, in June 1775, as a midshipman on board the Worcester 64, commanded by Captain Mark Robinson, and forming part of a small squadron of observation, then about to proceed on a cruise off Cape Finisterre, under Commodore Sir Peter Parker.

In Mar. 1777, Mr. Monke was transferred to the Fox of