Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/82

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[Post-Captain of 1810.]

Second son of the late Augustus Pechell, Esq. Receiver-General of the Customs, by Sarah, third daughter and co-heiress of Thomas Drake, D.D. rector of Amersham, co. Bucks.

This officer was made a Lieutenant, Feb. 6, 1806; Commander, April 25, 1809; and Post-Captain, April 30, 1810. He married, Jan. 15, 1817, Caroline, daughter of William Thoyles, of Southampstead-House, co. Berks, Esq. by whom he has issue.

Agent.– Isaac Clementson, Esq.

[Post-Captain of 1810.]

Brother to Captain Francis William Austen, C.B. whose services are recorded at pp. 274–283 of Vol. II. Part I.

This officer entered the naval academy at Portsmouth in 1791, and embarked in 1794, as a midshipman on board the Daedalus 32, commanded by Captain (now Sir Thomas) Williams; with whom he afterwards served in the Unicorn and Endymion frigates, continuing with him until the spring of 1801, at which period he had risen to be second Lieutenant of the latter. His first commission bears date Dec. 10, 1797[1].

At the renewal of hostilities, May 1803, Lieutenant Austen had the good fortune to be appointed first of the Endymion, on the application of her Captain, the Hon. Charles Paget, under whom he continued actively and successfully employed till his promotion to the rank of Commander, Sept. 10, 1804[2]; on which occasion he was appointed to the Indian, an 18-gun sloop, then building at Bermuda, for the protection of the islands.

During one of his first cruises. Captain Austen fell in with and was soon surrounded by four fast-sailing French frigates;

  1. The very active services of the Unicorn and Endymion are fully noticed in our first volume, pp. 387–389.
  2. See Id. p. 854 et seq.