Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp3.djvu/243

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Our readers will remember, that the insurrection at Spithead was followed by one of a still more alarming nature among the seamen of the North Sea fleet; and that a formidable force was ordered to be equipped in the river Thames, for the purpose of reducing the seamen at the Nore to submission. Lieutenant Hickey, being then unemployed, lost no time in tendering his services, which were immediately accepted. He was at first nominated to the command of a gun-vessel, under the orders of Sir Erasmus Gower; but ultimately appointed to the Neptune 98, bearing that officer’s broad pendant, and manned with volunteers raised by the merchants of London[1].

After the suppression of this second mutiny, and the trial and punishment of the principal offenders, the Neptune joined the Channel fleet, as a private ship, under the command of Sir Erasmus Gower, who continued in her until his promotion to the rank of Rear-Admiral, Feb. 14, 1799. She was subsequently employed, for a short time, on the Mediterranean station[2].

In 1800, Mr. Hickey was appointed to the Waakzaamheid 26, Captain David Atkins, with whom he removed, as first lieutenant, to the Princess Royal 98, bearing the flag of their mutual friend, Sir Erasmus Gower, about Feb. 1801.

The Princess Royal formed part of the squadron under Sir Andrew Mitchell, during the mutiny in Bantry bay[3]; and was paid off on her return from Ireland, early in 1802. A grand promotion was then about to take place, in consequence of the peace of Amiens, and it was naturally supposed that Mr. Hickey would be included therein: Earl St. Vincent, however, decided otherwise, and he had the mortification to see a junior officer made commander, while he himself was reduced to the situation of a half-pay lieutenant. His fortunate messmate was the late Captain Edwards Lloyd Graham, who had very recently joined the ship from Haslar hospital, and never been under sail in her.